The sole purpose for the existence of the Antrim County Road Commission is to serve the travelling public in such a manner as to provide the services which allow the movement of people, goods and services as safely, efficiently and economically as possible with the resources provided for its accomplishment.
The Antrim County Road Commission and its employees shall constantly be aware of the public trust placed in it by The People and shall conduct all business in a manner which is in line with that responsibility.
The Antrim County Road Commission shall ever be aware of the responsibility of its role of stewardship over the environment and shall manage its facilities and conduct its operations accordingly.

To accomplish this mission, the Antrim County Road Commission shall establish priorities and from these shall formulate policy which, in so far as possible, shall provide for uniform treatment of all those we serve. Winter maintenance shall be the number one priority.
Other means of accomplishment shall include, but not limited to the following:
1. Seek additional revenues and alternative funding for services, including wise use of all Federal Aid monies.
2. Promote and actively support the County Road Association of Michigan (CRAM).
3. It shall be the goal to respond in a timely manner to all service requests received from the public.
4. This agency shall remain flexible in its management and operations so as to adapt to changing land use within the county.
5. Work in cooperation with other local, state and federal agencies on projects suited for such.